Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Bird in the Orange Groves Short Story

The Girl
                One day in San Pasqual Adacemy’s orange groves there was a bird named D.J.B. and he was a small bird. He was in his nest in the biggest, widest, and greenest tree out in the groves. When he heard a sudden a loud sound, the sound of an engine. So he flew out to check it and out and sawthis big claw. The big claw went striaght into the ground and pulled out a tree, it scared D.J.B. so much that he flew to a tree that was a mile away. He stayed the night in the new tree and was awoken by that sound again. This time he grew the guts to fly back over to his tree or at least close to it, and there he saw a creature, he had no clue what it was. This creature was big and scary looking to him, it was a man and this man was pulling up trees with his big claw. Finally after a week of terror D.J.B. returned to his house and thought that he was safe forever and ever that the creature would never return. One day later he went out to enjoy his day when he saw another claw, but it was smaller and was controlled by the same man. D.J.B. left his house once more and when he returned later his tree was gone! He had no cle what to do all he knew was that he was alone and no other bird was in sight so he just stood there on the ground. All alone when he heard another bird’s voice, he flew to it. To his surprise he saw that it was girl bird, hedecided to go up to her and found out that she also lost her home. After a while they went together to find another tree, and tostay together and have each others back.

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