Tuesday, May 10, 2011

!Warning! First Draft

Some people wonder what the system is, well for the kids in the system it’s their "home".  The system provides everything a youth needs, and sometimes more.  They keep them safe from harm and help their family get better and more prepared for the youth to return.  The system is useful to the youth who cannot be with their birth parents or ant of their family.  The foster system in supposed to protect the youth from anything bad, but sometimes it’s just impossible to get the good in and the bad out. Life for a foster youth is difficult, a foster parent could not want them anymore, a facility might have the moved to another, no foster youth really has a permanent placement like normal kids do.

Being a foster parent is easy and helps youth find a better placement.  To be a foster parent means to uphold a stable family for the children who cannot be with birth parents.  This fact was found by using an article online.  Foster parents are still able to work at any job; they must have a temporary placement for the youth to stay while at work.  This fact was found on a information sheet to become a foster parent.  Every foster youth has Medi-cal for medical needs, monthly allowances for needs like clothing, food, and hygiene. This was located on a sheet on how to take care of a foster youth.  A foster parent is supposed to act as a parent for the youth you cannot be with their birth parents.

The foster system gives many youth placements or homes.  Foster youth have many placements such as, foster homes, group homes, facilities, institutions, juvi, and with other family members.  This fact was found on a list of placements that a foster youth is living at.  For a foster youth to be placed they are looked at by age, race, gender, and siblings to find the match and a good home.  This information was on a fact sheet of how the foster youth is placed.  Some of the foster placements lead to the introduction into drugs, sex, violence, and fights earlier then most youth with birth-parents.  This fact was located on an online article.  Foster placement varies for every youth that enters.

There are many statistics of foster youth some good, some bad, and some are shocking.  Every year almost 20,000 youth age out of the foster system and our found to be facing the world completely by themselves.  This is known by the foster youth in the system which face trouble likes this in the world outside of their placement.  On September 30, 2008 they took percentages of 285, 000 youth in the system, on what there outcome was. 52% reunited with parents, 19% were adopted, 15% live with a relative or guardian, 10% emancipated, 3% other outcomes.  On September 30, 2008 they took the percentages of 285,000 youth on how long they stayed in the system.  13% Less than 1 month, 33%1 to 11 months, 24% 12 to 35 months, 12% 24 to 35 months, 10% 36 to 50 months, 7% 5 or more years.  All of this information was found on a statistics sheet of the foster youth.  Everything varies with every different youth in the system.

The home for the youth who are unable to be with birth-parents is helpful.   The system is a crazy place where kids are passed from house to house, from facility to facility, from placement to placement.  They take out kids from many different areas, people, and homes to protect them.  It’s the only home some youth can live in and be at peace.  Some of the system is not as great, like some of the people who try to help, but make it worse.  In the end there is always a place that a youth could be protected in and away from harm’s way.  Some kids never really understands the way of life, how a relationship is supposed to be in a healthy way, what it’s like to have to work for your money, how much school is important to them.  At one of the many facilities, here is a school on the campus site, the school is adjusted to help them pass, it is not as hard a normal school would be, and not all of the school is required.  Some parts of the system helps and then some parts just don’t.  Yet they are still there, the youths who need the help of the system.  The system is there to help us it’s up to the youth to take the help and have a great life or not to take the help and have a harder life.  Its can make the youth new life is worse, or make their new life better.

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