Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Dragon Den #3

What was your experience during the major power outage on Thursday night? Write a narrative paragraph with a beginning, middle, and end.  

On Thursday evening, I was at football practice when coach said that they had to go figure out the electrical issue. At the end of practice before we had our team dinner, coach said to the whole team that the power was out. They had generators up at the café though so our dinner wasn’t cancelled. Later that night they opened the café for everyone to hang out at, it was boring up there and really loud so I spent most of the time with Jennifer. I also went to sit in my room where I couldn’t see anything, but out the window. Everyone was allowed to sleep in the living room and I slept near Ems, I was on the mattress and she was on the couch. The power came back around 2 a.m. and I was still asleep, the lights didn’t wake me up.


  1. Jennifer you did a really good job on your post. I had fun kicking it with you to.

  2. yeah nice job naked buddy I really like your post.
