Thursday, September 22, 2011

"Everyday Use" Before You Read: Tradition

Fifteen years from now on the fourth of July, I will sit be sitting on the roof of my house with my kids watching the fireworks. One of my happy memories of this tradition is when I was young and my dad let me climb onto the roof of my uncles house to see the fireworks better. He also came up to sit with me so I didn’t fall. I will share this with children because I think that they should feel what it felt like to be up on a roof watching bright lights flash in the sky. This is a tradition that I want to pass on because it bonded me to my father even more, and it was really interesting to watch the fireworks on the roof of a house.

1 comment:

  1. I have never sat on a roof to watch fireworks. Your post makes me want to experience it. I really enjoy watching fireworks. Were you able to watch fireworks this summer? I watched them from my car this year.
