Friday, May 18, 2012

Academic Language Week 35 - Sweatshops

Are sweatshops a violation of people's human rights?
Sweatshops are a violation of people's human rights.  One reason is the LABOR they are put through does not meet the pay that they recieve.  Not all people can live off of a pay of average $4.50 and will have to live on the streets.  Another reason to why is because They do not have a CONTRACT that APPLIES to them and can be fired at any moment.  A contract is made so that workers have to work for a certain amount of time before they can be fired by the boss.  The last reason why is because the factory setting is unhealthy with tempatures at about 100 degrees and the chemicals are very harmful to them.  The are of a worker effects the worker the most, and the conditions of a sweatshop does not compare to a normal factory, the factory can lead to the death of its many workers.  Thoose are three reasons to why  a sweatshops violates any human beings human rights.

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