Thursday, January 6, 2011

3rd Quater Goals!!!!

"What is an accomplishment from last year? What did I do to achieve it?

     My biggest accomplishment from last year, 8th grade. Is that I surprised all my teachers I have at San Pasqual Acadeny,  I surprised them by being a good student, andnot being a demon like they all were preparing for.  By getting really good grades, like A's and B's unlike when I was in the 8th grade.
      I achieved at surprising them by, coming to the school and being prepared for my classes.  By focusing on my work, and completing it.

"Where would you like to be by the end of this semester? & 3 Goals to help get you there?"

I would like to have higher then a 3.5 GPA, and have no missing assignments by the end of this semester.

  • Complete every assignment for a month.
  • Ask teachers for grade updates and how I can work on them.
  • Study more for tests.

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