Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Personal Changes Blog Paragraph

When I was a freshman, I was kicked out of most my classes and got on restriction almost every day. Now, I am a responsible student and barely get on restriction. For example, Ms.Priester used to kick me out of her class every day because I would say inappropriate things. This shows that I was rude and didn't care about teachers, that I was disrespectful. This also shows that I have changed a lot since than because of the fact that when conferences come she says that I am good student and she is glad to have me in class. In addition, my staff gave up on giving my restriction because I would never listen to it anyways. This shows that I was rude and I didn't care about my actions. This also shows that now when my staff puts me on restriction for more than a day she takes off most of the days because I handle my restriction well most of the times. By my senior year, I hope to be ready for an independent life where I know when I do something wrong.