Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Paper Airplane from Different Points of View

First-Person Paragraph
I was sitting in the classroom working on my laptop. When all the sudden I heard Mr. Walker yelling, he was mad at Brian. Brain was laughing because he threw a paper airplane at Mr. Walker. So Mr. Walker sent Brian outside, but when Brain went outside he left.

Third-Person Limited Paragraph
P’ Jay was sitting there on her laptop when she saw a paper airplane go towards Mr. Walker. She was thinking that whomever just threw that is going to get kicked out. Then when Mr. Walker started yelling she tried to pay attention, when she did Mr. Walker was telling Brian to go outside, P’ Jay saw Brain go outside and keep walking. She just thought to herself that he was going to get into more trouble.

Third-Person Omniscient Paragraph
When Mr. Walker started to yell at Brain he was mad and P’ Jay who was sitting at her laptop focus and ready had to sit and listen to Mr. Walker yell. She also got mad and moved to another part if the room. Brain was laughing in his seat and felt proud of himself for almost hitting Mr. Walker with the paper airplane he threw. Mr. Walker was very angry and sent Brain outside. Brain stopped laughing and instead of just staying outside he walked straight to the office for a kick out. P’ Jay just sat there the whole time and watched as Brain left.

1 comment:

  1. Don't confuse periods (.) with commas (,).
    Proofread your work before posting it.
